Just a fashion and make up lover who doesn't obey the rules of trend.


Quick Tips for Everything: Basics

What every girls should have is the basics.
Starting from basic simple tops to the 3 basic colors, that is black, white, and beige/nude.

I can make this "quick tip" into a short essay, because I love basics, I love turning something so ordinary that is budget friendly into something that could look fashionable and luxurious. How? combine it with patterns, make color block, make contrast with the opposite color, put jewelries on top, sexify it with killer heels, it can be ANYTHING!

The basic tops are loose and fitted. The most common ones are turtle necks, tube tops/strapless, long/mid/no sleeve shirt, t-shirt, and of course tank tops that can be V-necks or squared or sweetheart shaped. Remember that different sized chest would affect the look of the top, so know your body and counter anything that would give a bad "look" on your chest with necklaces.

Lets not forget basic colors. Just like a simple pair of heels with or without platforms, we should have black, white, and beige. It's simple, chic, and matches with just about everything we wear. Although always remember that unfortunately not all color suit our skin tone, so make sure to try it on if you have a little doubt after putting the clothes right on your arm or next to your face. 

Basically, just know what you like, know your own style and embrace them. Confidence of wearing something that is already amazing makes it even more fantastic to look at not just by ourselves.

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